Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved stories. Stories about a place called home which she could not remember still made her want to go back there. Stories about persons she did not know made her want to meet them. Stories about a home far away made her homesick. She was traveling with her family, stopping at different places, staying with strangers in various houses. This was the only life she knew. The story about a place somewhere far away was constant. It was in the country where the little girl was born. The people who lived there were called Morfar and Mormor and Moster . The home was called Mummola . Each time the family moved her siblings asked, “Why are we going to a new place again?” “Why can’t we go back to Mummola?” “When are we going back to Mummola?” At each new place, they waited eagerly to see if a letter from someone at Mummola had reached their new destin...